Windsor Castle to Clapham

Windsor Castle prices

Buckingham PalaceIncludes an extended visit to Windsor Castle.


  • Explore Windsor Castle - weekend residence of the Queen
  • Extended visit to Windsor with free time to explore!
  • Visit Buckingham Palace
  • Tour the State Apartments and picturesque Royal Gardens

The Tour:

Windsor Castle

Over 900 years of royal history are waiting for you in Windsor Castle, which is perched high above the River Thames just outside of London. From William the Conqueror all the way through to our current Queen, successive monarchs have lived here and left their mark on what is now the largest continuously occupied castle in the world. We shall be amongst the first people to enter Windsor Castle, so you can see for yourself the splendour of St. Georges chapel and the sumptuous state apartments. Windsor itself is a pretty town full of traditional shops and historic pubs. Shakespeare is said to have written his play The Merry Wives of Windsor in one of them!

Buckingham Palace

After lunch we head to Buckingham Palace, the official London residence of Her Majesty The Queen, which serves as both her home and office. Visitors to the State Rooms can see many of the magnificent rooms which form the heart of the working palace and are used regularly by the Royal Family for official entertainment, ceremonies and State functions. The Palace guides are on hand to point out the numerous works of priceless art in the lavishly furnished rooms. Afterwards, you can enjoy a walk along the south side of the Royal Garden and look out across the picturesque lake constructed in the 19th century. The tour ends in the Palace allowing you free time to explore at your leisure.

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