The Windsor Castle

Nearest station to Windsor Castle

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10 mins from The Windsor Castle

15 mins from The Windsor Castle

23 mins from The Windsor Castle

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The London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

Kensington and Chelsea Kensington and Chelsea is renowned for its thriving, cosmopolitan atmosphere. The borough has many famous shopping areas including the King's Road, High Street Kensington and Knightsbridge, home to Harrods. Escape the crowds with a stroll through one of several beautiful parks or visit one of the area's many amazing museums, including the Natural History Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Science Museum. Other attractions in the borough include Kensington Palace - former home of the late Diana, Princess of Wales. In the South-West of the borough is Notting Hill, one of the most attractive parts of London and home to Portobello Road Market and Europe's biggest street party, Notting Hill Carnival, which takes place at the end of August.

Video on topic: Nearest station to Windsor Castle
London-Windsor & Eton by train
London-Windsor & Eton by train
WEG helps to generate hydro-electricity for Windsor Castle
WEG helps to generate hydro-electricity for Windsor Castle

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