Windsor And Maidenhead

Windsor map UK

Find information about a specified property and/or map based information relating to features and services in the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead.

Neighbourhood View

Search for an address in Windsor, Maidenhead, Ascot and the surrounding area. Select the address from the list and view information relating to the area, including the nearest schools, the council ward and councillors, waste collection day, nearest car park, current planning applications, nearest leisure centres and libraries, whether the property is in a conservation or greenbelt area and more. Many features also have useful links.

Neighbourhood Map

Use this interactive mapping service to look up the location of many features and facilities across the council using 'Layers' button. Layers include libraries, leisure centres, schools information, councillors and wards, car parks, recycling points and much more. Once again many features have useful links in the text results or on the tool-tips.

Neighbourhood Alerts

Sign up to receive email alerts based on an address or location within the borough for Planning applications, Building Control notices or Enforcement cases.

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