Example using Castle Windsor

What is Castle Windsor?

I've been learning a lot about Castle Windsor lately. I ran into something that surprised me yesterday. Suppose you have the following class hierarchy:

interface Service { } class ServiceA : Service { } class ServiceB : Service { }What do you think the output from this code will be?

var container = new WindsorContainer; container.Register(Component .For .ImplementedBy); container.Register(Component .For .ImplementedBy .Named("serviceb")); var service = container.Resolve; Console.WriteLine(service.GetType.Name);If you said ServiceA, then you were right! Now, what about the output from this code?

var container = new WindsorContainer; container.Register(Component .For .ImplementedBy .Named("serviceb")); container.Register(Component .For .ImplementedBy); var service = container.Resolve; Console.WriteLine(service.GetType.Name);If you said ServiceB, then maybe the title of this post gave the answer away. I expected the named service to be a special case. In other words, I thought asking for a Service implementation would always give me ServiceA, unless I specifically asked for ServiceB by name.

Source: www.mikedellanoce.com
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